Amitabh Bachchan's fiction debut on television with the series 'Yudh' just got a lot more dangerous. Apparently, the actor has defied medical orders to perform some forbidden stunts with a body rig reports the Indian Express.
It's been 30 years since the Big B wore a body rig for any of his stunts in a film. After the accident on the sets of 'Coolie' in 1982 and the beating that his body took, the mega-star was forbidden from wearing the heavy body rigs required for cinematic stunts.
It's been 30 years since the Big B wore a body rig for any of his stunts in a film. After the accident on the sets of 'Coolie' in 1982 and the beating that his body took, the mega-star was forbidden from wearing the heavy body rigs required for cinematic stunts.